Why a High Quality Sober Living is So Important for Your Son?
person who is not familiar with recovery can be hard to discern the difference between quality in treatment options, after all help is help right? Well that is not always the case as there are many different approaches to recovery and not all programs are made equal. So - what qualities differentiate between programs and why are these certain aspects important to the recovery process? Structure is one of the most essential components to a young person’s early sobriety and surprisingly or not, many sober livings lack structure - functioning more towards the side of a “check in, check out” housing facility that allow residents free rein to their day to day affairs. The truth of the matter is, routine and structure are vital to transitioning out of habits and patterns that are formed in active addiction. For this reason, sober living facilities that adhere to structured and routine schedules are typically much better equipped to help young men and women with successfully transitioning in...